America's Job Center of California (AJCC) Access Point
Need help getting a job? Or improving your skills to get a job?
Mt. Diablo Adult Education offers job readiness and career search workshops and resources on campus, through a unique partnership with Contra Costa County and nine local organizations. Following are some of the services that are available at no cost to students and other participants at the Loma Vista Adult Center:
Résumé writing and career workshops
Access to job postings and hiring events
Computers, printers, copier and scanner available for job search
Access to CalJOBS, the state’s best online resource for job seekers
Career Assessments, matching interests and skills to career opportunities
Typing certification tests
Training and education information
WIOA Career Coach available
For more information about AJCC Access Point services, please contact Andrea Murphy, Workforce Programs Coordinator, at
Learn about the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) and how you can receive individualized career services, including employment search assistance from a Career Coach and funds for training. Start by viewing the WIOA Orientation video on the Bounce Back Contra Costa website, and then fill out the Jobseeker form at the bottom of the page.
Office: D-4
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Closed: Monday, Friday
WIOA Program
Career Coach Hours: 9-5, by appointment
Phone: (925) 685-7340, ext. 6719
Career Center
Drop-In Instructor Hours: 10-12pm, 1-4pm
Note: Days and hours may vary - refer to monthly Career Center calendar below
Phone: (925) 685-7340, ext. 6734