Career and Technical Education Center
Administrative Assistant starts April 14, 2025
Certified Nursing Assistant - contact the CTEC Office at (925) 685-7340 ext. 6730
Dental Assistant program starts April 15, 2025
Medical Assistant starts February 10, 2025
Emergency Medical Technician starts April 15, 2025
The CTE Programs Information Session for most of our programs is a two-part process.
Part One is online through Zoom. You will get information about all our CTE Programs as well as the requirements to enroll.
Part Two is done on our campus. You will be given a reading assessment to ensure you have a reading level that will enable you to be successful in the program. Call (925) 685-7340, ext. 6730 to make an appointment. Appointments are available at the following times.
- Tuesdays: 9:00
- Wednesdays: 6:00 pm
You must have completed Part One in order to get a Part Two appointment.
Remember enrollment is on a first come first serve basis so complete your information sessions and get your documents submitted so you are able to get into your desired program. Seats are limited.
Our Programs
Room: C5
Office Hours: M-F, 8:00am-4:30pm
Phone: (925) 685-7340, ext. 6730
Register for the CTE Programs Information Session Now
Want More Information About Our
CTE Programs? Fill Out This Quick
Interest Form.
Certificates of completion are awarded to students who meet the program objectives, standards and clock hours. Mt. Diablo Adult Education’s Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) programs do not award academic credit. CTEC does not allow the transfer of students between programs offered within the institution or into programs from another institution, nor does it accept clock hours earned at another institution.
The Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) fully prepares adults to be successfully employed in demand occupations and industry sectors.
CTEC is committed to providing high quality education and training in a supportive setting in partnership with business and industry enabling students to be fully prepared to succeed in their chosen occupations.
CTEC is also committed to collaborating with other agencies and organizations in creating and sustaining an efficient workforce and economic development system.